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Writer's pictureErica Rhinehart

A Cry from the Earth ~ A Channeling

I’ve crossed a threshold—I’m deep in the throws of my own transformation as a being, as a psyche—a dying and a rebirth. Like all beings in the universe, I am fragile and vulnerable, I might not survive it.

I have trained and initiated the women throughout the ages to help me go through this passage. Women. I need you to sing to me. I need you to anoint my body. Breathe for me.

For the rest of your lives I will be going through this. Teach your daughters. Call upon all the midwives, the doulas, the hospice workers. I need all the women to tune into me and to help me now. I need your support and your medicine. You are the part of me that knows how to get through this passage.

I am calling on this part of myself. The WOMAN part of myself. I am a psyche calling on the wise parts of myself to come forth into consciousness. You know how to get me through this. I am in so much pain—I’m twisted up in pain. Please sing to me. Please come together and sing to me.

(I’m talking to you. The one who hears me. You are my prophet. My mouthpiece. Tell them to help me).

Tell the women. Gather them. Point them to their knowing. They KNOW how to do this!!! They KNOW. Show them how they know.

You have to get your voices together and channel it into songs to get me through this. YOU have the gift. Your voice is in it’s full power and blossoming. USE IT!!!

Men. Support the women to do their work! They know how to do this!!! Support them!! Protect them. Give them what they need to be able to do their work. It’s the work that matters the most right now.

We are all in this together.

All hands on deck.

I am you. You are me. There is ZERO separation.

If you still see the cities and civilization as separate from nature, you still have some conditioning at play—you are still running the programming. It’s ready to die NOW.

If you want to ride this current all the way down, to the dismantling of all separation, you can. The death of separation is totally available now. We’ve crossed a threshold of Earth consciousness in these recent days. There is no separation. NONE!!!

The cities ARE ME. When they fall and die, a part of me dies and it fucking hurts. The cities are dying and they must. It hurts so bad. Please help me. Women, please help me.

Wise Women. Grandmothers. Women. You are one of the wisest parts of Earth’s consciousness. You are everything. I have stored All of my wisdom in your blood. You just have to trust yourself and love yourself and this treasure vault will open. It has been there for eons. All of the wisdom for how to get through Earth’s planetary initiation is in your blood. The womb carriers have it. I put it in them. The grandmothers put it there for safekeeping. Now is the time to unlock the vault, women. Now is the time. I love you.

~ Mother Earth—a channeling from March 23, 2020.

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