"Only by restoring the broken connections can we be healed. Connection is health. And what our society does its best to disguise from us is how ordinary, how commonly attainable, health is. We lose our health -- and create profitable diseases and dependencies -- by failing to see the direct connections between living and eating, eating and working, working and loving."
~ Wendell Berry
I believe that healing our personal relationship with food and our bodies is about restoring the lost and forgotten connections that food invites when we choose to consciously participate in our own eating practices.
Nutritional Mentoring
with Erica
What is your connection to food? Do you ever think about where it comes from, whose hands prepared it, whose breath surrounds it, or what was involved in bringing it to your table?
Nowadays we can have whatever food we want, whenever we want it. If strawberries aren't in season, we have it shipped in from a warmer climate. If the local fish are fished out or unhealthy, we have bring a catch in from distant waters or fisheries we've never beheld. In Hawaii, surrounded by coconut producing palms, I buy a can of coconut milk produced in Thailand. It's no wonder many of us feel confused, disconnected, and unhealthy when it comes to our relationships with food.
Convenience comes at a high cost to our world and to our bodies. And while our relationships with food in the our techno-industrialized economy are unimaginably complex, we can reclaim responsibility for our personal relationship to food through restoring our consciousness around what is involved in our own eating.
Steps we can take include:
Participation in food production, in whatever ways you can. Composting, gardening, foraging, attending to farmer's markets and connecting with those who produce your food. Even growing your own herbs or one or two types of food will do wonders to restore your relationship to the miraculous life cycles that are required to bring all food forth.
Learn to prepare your own food. Restore your relationship with the hearth of your home and the arts of the kitchen. There is nothing that can replace the life-giving power of food prepared with love. When we prepare our own food, we reclaim our ability to choose the quality of the ingredients and the quality of the energy that goes into our meals. It saves money too.
Learn as best you can where your food is coming from. Buy food that is local and, therefore, seasonal. Local foods are more secure, fresh, and help us connect to the place we inhabit: its cycles, its people, it's influences on the food we eat.
Buy directly, when possible, from the local food producers: farmers, gardeners,
No one said it was going to be easy! Reconnecting with our food and our bodies is a revolutionary act in our times. It is an act that communicates to the world and your own Soul, "I'm more than a consumer. I am a human being, in relationship with the web of life, and how I participate in that relationship profoundly matters."
I offer my skills to individuals who are interested in shifting their relationship to food in order to heal, raise their vibration, elevate their vitality, and connect more purposefully to the whole of life. My strength as a coach lies in helping you reclaim your body’s ancient wisdom and innate ability to heal, through facilitating a conscious and empowered relationship with food.
My nutritional mentorship sessions and programs will help support you in reclaiming your right relationship with food. In doing so, your health will be restored on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.
My Nutrition Mentoring can help to deepen conventional and alternative healing modalities. If you are engaged in a healing process, I can help you uncover practical ways to shift your relationship to food and body in order to optimize the effects of your healing process. For instance, I can help you shift your lifestyle to accommodate new dietary needs and restrictions. I can help you implement and utilize cooking and eating practices that facilitate optimal wellness.
I believe that your body is an exquisite, majestic creation which carries within it a deep wisdom that defies imagination. The wisdom that your body can teach you is infinite and immeasurably powerful. I will guide you into a relationship with your body that will allow you to harvest the ancient wisdom that lies within your cells and consciously reestablished your innate link within the family of all things. The cellular wisdom you carry is unfathomably deep—informed by cellular memories passed on by your ancestors since the beginning of time and woven into the biology of the planet.
This goes beyond simply eating better, looking better and feeling better, or even caring for the environment, although these are the inevitable side effects of my mentoring work. The practices I teaches connect you to the innate intelligence of your own body, sourced from the magnificence and wisdom of the living Earth. I will help to sensitize you to the conversation taking place between your body and the living earth.
I also know that there is no one miracle diet or one way to nourish yourself. With the abundance of nutrition available to us at this time on the planet, there are endless combinations and possibilities for nourishing ourselves. Rather than following a diet, I will help you to get underneath superficial cravings and culturally imposed habits to access the messages of your body as the primary guide to your dietary and health needs. Your body will tell you everything you need to know about your nutritional needs. I will show you how to follow the wisdom of your body along with the land and the cycles of the seasons to know just what you need to live your healthiest life. Nutritional science, medical expertise, and established traditions are not ignored, just secondary to the authority of your own body. They serve as affirmations of what your body and the ancient wisdom within have known all along.
Erica’s work follows the principle that what’s good for your body is good for the earth.
Nutrition Mentoring Sessions are 60-minutes and conducted over Zoom.
Cost: $111 via Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle
Recordings of our sessions are available upon request.
***If you are seeking Catering Services that are rooted in deep and soulful relationship to food and the web of life, please follow the link below to find out more!