
The Moon Path
A School of Remembering
The Moon Path is not a method or a system. It is not a straight road, nor a fixed map. It is a shimmering threshold between the overculture and the underculture—the path that only reveals itself when the conditions are right, when light meets darkness, when the deep pulls you toward it. It is the luminous way that cannot be grasped—only followed.
The underculture is the deep soul of the world, the submerged river of knowing that still flows beneath everything. It is the place of myth, mystery, and ancestral memory—exiled but never extinguished. The overculture paves over it, denies it, forgets it. It replaces the living intelligence of the world with artificial rhythms, rigid frameworks of time and control. But the underculture remains. And it calls.
To follow the Moon Path is to surrender to cycles, to tides, to the pulse of something older than civilization. It is to refuse the illusion of linear progress and instead move with the rhythms of water and night, of soul and transformation. It is to trust what shimmers at the edge of knowing, to allow yourself to be guided by the unseen—the dreams that whisper, the symbols that appear, the natural world that speaks.
The moon itself is an emissary of the underculture. It governs tides, dreams, the womb, the unconscious. It is the light of the unseen world, the deep memory in blood and water. It reminds us that time is not dictated by calendars or clocks, but by the movement of celestial bodies, the rhythms of menstruation, the migration of birds, the rise and fall of rivers. To follow its path is to realign with the true cycles of transformation, to step outside the artificial constructs that have severed us from the living world.
A School of Soul and Initiation
The Moon Path, as a school, is a portal to ancestral wisdom, a path of initiation into an animate existence. It is a guide back into relationship—with ourselves, with the natural world, with the deep intelligence that lives within and around us.
Through practices like dreamwork, deep imagination, shadow work, mythic enactment, and sacred wound tending, we learn how to open the windows of perception that the overculture has sealed shut. We cultivate the neglected ways of knowing—the ways our earth-rooted ancestors once relied upon. We remember how to listen, not just with our ears, but with our bodies, our dreams, our intuition.
We do this because we know the cost of being severed from the cycles of life. We see it in the devastation of the planet, in the unraveling of ecosystems, in the loss of meaning and purpose that so many people feel. The overculture has paved over the wild, but in doing so, it has also paved over the soul.
To walk the Moon Path is to resist this fragmentation. It is to remember that we are part of something vast and alive, that we belong to the cycles, not the clock. And as we weave ourselves back into the fabric of life, something profound happens—we are initiated. We are claimed by the world, by our particular gifts, by the dream our soul has carried all along.
The Gifts as Guides
There is an ancient knowing within us, and it speaks through our gifts. The Moon Path is not only about remembering the old ways—it is about listening to what is uniquely moving through each of us now. Your gifts are not separate from you; they are living, sacred forces intertwined with your being. They are not tasks to be managed but presences to be met.
"If I take care of the gifts, the gifts will take care of me."
This is the mantra of the Moon Path. It is an orientation, a way of being in relationship with what moves through you. Your gifts know the way forward before you do. The task is to listen—to meet them with reverence, to follow their rhythm, to allow them to reveal their own timing and shape.
When we honor the gifts as sacred, they become the guide. They show us not only what we are here to offer, but how we are meant to walk in the world. This is the deepest work of the Moon Path: to cultivate a life that is not dictated by external pressures or artificial frameworks but shaped by the intelligence of what is alive within us.
This is why the Moon Path is a school of initiation, not instruction. The path is not imposed; it is revealed. And it is revealed through the gifts.
The Invitation
The Moon Path is not a path of certainty. It is a path of devotion. A path of rupture and renewal. A path of soul.
It is for those who feel something vast moving through them, something ancient and undeniable. For those who have been cracked open by love and pain, who have glimpsed the deeper currents beneath the surface of things. For those who are ready to follow what shimmers at the edge of knowing, even if they do not yet understand where it leads.
The Moon Path is a remembering. It is a summons. It is a way home.
If you are here, you have already heard the call.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”
― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell